Tyler Perry to appear at Fox Theatre for ‘Higher Is Waiting’ Conversation with Karyn Greer

Written by | Ray Cornelius

Join Atlanta media personality Karyn Greer on Sunday, November 12 at 3 p.m. for an intimate conversation with TV & film mogul and creator of Madea—Tyler Perry.The event will take place at Atlanta’s Fabulous Fox Theatre and will focus on his new book, Higher is Waiting.

A spiritual guidebook and a collection of teachings, Higher is Waiting culls from the experiences of a lifetime, meant to inspire readers to climb higher in their own lives and pull themselves up to a better, more fulfilling place. In this intimate book, Perry writes of how his faith has sustained him in hard times, centered him in good times, and enriched his life. Click here for tickets and see you there!

Perry is currently starring in “BOO2! A Madea Halloween” along with Patrice Lovely and Cassi Davis.

Photo Credit: FoxTheatre.org
