Written by | Ray Cornelius 

Happy New Year RC Fans!  I trust that you all have had an awesome holiday season. I know I did!  I was able to spend some quality time with my family and friends and people who mean a lot to me.  It has also been a time to reflect on the last year and see what I can do differently this year to make RayCornelius.com a better experience for you. I apologize for the lack of stories/posts over the last week but I really needed that break.  With that being said, I am SUPER EXCITED about the next 12 months and look forward to taking my brand to the next level.

As you know, 2016 was a “corner turning” year for me with the debut of my 30-minute celebrity, arts and entertainment magazine “UPFRONT. I had a ball interviewing such amazing talent and individuals each week and can’t wait to bring you more exciting guests and exclusive stories in the new year. It is also my desire to expand that platform and reach a broader audience, while garnering more support and inspiring others to pursue their dreams. As I have stated many times before, this website is not just about giving you the latest in “positive” celebrity and entertainment news but it’s also about encouraging each and every one of you to go after your dreams! Remember, dreams don’t have an expiration date on them. Just take one step and leave the rest of your journey in God’s hands.

Again, THANK YOU for following me and supporting the website and here’s to an unforgettable 2017!  It’s OUR TIME!  Check out Kelly Price’s anthem below and enjoy the next 363 days.