‘Atlanta Plastic’ Gift Away

Written by | Ray Cornelius

I had the pleasure of meeting Wright A. Jones, MD star of Lifetime’s “Atlanta Plastic” earlier this week and actually won a gift voucher for 30% off a Breast Augmentation. Well, there’s nothing I can do with that.

So, I have decided to give it away to one lucky lady. Simply like all of my social media handles: RayCornelius.com (Facebook), RayCornelius (Instragram), and Ray Cornelius (You Tube). Then copy and repost my selfie with Dr. Jones and tag me. Don’t forget to hashtag #MeetDrJones

Your name will be placed into a drawing to win the Gift Voucher. I will announce the winner via my You Tube channel on Wed. June 1.

Good luck!


Photo Credit: RayCornelius.com
