RC talks Fashion, Philanthropy & More with ‘Married to Medicine’ star Lisa Nicole Cloud

Written by | Ray Cornelius

The third season of Bravo’s úberly popular unscripted series Married to Medicine premieres tonight at 9 p.m. and it appears that the ladies are back for another round of spilling tea and throwing shade!

I had a chance to chat briefly with one of the show’s stars, Lisa Nicole Cloud, who happens to be the target of this season’s drama. The acclaimed fashion designer has been traveling a great deal between the United States and Haiti as part of new her philanthropic efforts but talked exclusively to RC about the publicized beef between her and cast member, Quad Webb-Lunceford. She also dishes about her new passion project, Fashion for a Cause, as well as the expansion of her Women’s Empowerment Network (WEN) and the importance of finding balance.

Check out a few interview highlights below:

RC:  Before we get into this explosive new season, let’s talk about the exciting things happening with your fashion line, The Lisa Nicole Collection.

LNC:  The Lisa Nicole Collection has continued to grow and do well. This year, we have added a men’s wear collection including shirts, ties, bow ties and accessories. My husband and I are also collaborating on a project together called Fashion for a Cause. It’s a new initiative that combines both of our loves for medicine, fashion and philanthropy. We are now working to take a team of about 15 doctors to Haiti this November. We are also sending over about $200,000 in medical supplies and we are reaching out to hospitals across the nation to donate medical equipment and technology. This is a project that we came together on and has been very exciting and fulfilling for the both of us.  A lot of people kind of forgot about Haiti since their natural disaster about five years ago but they still need our support. They have made a lot of progress but they still lack a lot of resources. I know that my gift is definitely in raising money and when I’m passionate about something I am very compelled.

RC:  This is actually a project you’ve been working on for the last two year, correct?

LNC:  Interesting you say that. We started working on this about a year and a half ago and it’s taken this amount of time to get all of the resources in place such as getting the doctors together and aligning with the government. We are also working with the Ministers of Health and Tourism to show them the work that we’re doing. We’re also trying to stimulate the economy of Haiti by doing some manufacturing. My primary business, 5 Linx, is opening up offices over there and it all came out of the Fashion for a Cause opportunity. You know, when you are willing to be a blessing to others, you are going to get blessed.

RC:  How are you adjusting to this new level of ‘celebrity’ since you’ve joined the show?

LNC:  (LOL) Balance is something I have to really work on a daily basis. It requires that I really, really, really manage my time. Unfortunately, time is not on my side because I run the Lisa Nicole Collection and my 5 Linx business and I also have to shoot for the show. I’m doing philanthropy and then there is my Women’s Empowerment Network (WEN). Remember, these are all businesses that I’m very passionate about which requires me to surround myself with very strong people who I call my Dream Team. I also have to focus on my husband and my kids and being a good wife and mother. It has been a juggling act trying to keep all the balls in the air but I think I’m really starting to get in my rhythm.

RC:  You mentioned the Women’s Empowerment Network or The WEN Conference, let’s talk about that…

LNC:  We actually just completed one of our city tours in New York City. When I first launched the WEN conference about five years ago, it was really just a three-day conference in Atlanta in October around my birthday. It was my way of giving back to women and teaching them how to grow personally, professional, financially, and spiritually. But since we aired it on the show, we’ve received so much feedback from viewers asking us to bring it to their city and we did.  Last year, we decided that we would go on tour and conduct one day events in six different cities around the United States. So, we kicked off the WEN tour in New York and also launched Fashion for a Cause. It’s just really great to focus on the two things that I am passionate about which is women’s empowerment and the Fashion for a Cause project.

RC:  Let’s talk about the show. You and Quad appear to be at each other’s throats in the preview. That’s something I didn’t see coming…

LNC:  Neither did I, Ray! (LOL) I wouldn’t say that were at each other’s throats. What I will tell you is that I don’t like drama. I actually try to keep it out of my life and try to remain stress free. I will also say that this season, I was a target. I did a background check, which is normal business protocol for me. Anytime I am going to do business with someone or even thinking about doing business with someone, I am going to do my due diligence. My past experiences have taught me that you have to know exactly who you are working with and so I did just that. She [Quad] took offense to that and I apologized to her because there was no malice intended. However, Quad likes to build her storylines on controversy and she likes to come after the people that you would least expect her to have controversy with on the show. On the first season it was with Toya [Bush-Harris] and Kari [Wells]. On the second season, it was with Mariah [Huq]. This season, she came after me and probably thought she could because I wouldn’t give a reaction. However, there are some things you just don’t cross with me. Do not mess with my family! Do not mess with my husband or my children! When I decided to do reality television, I decided. So if you want to go at me, we can do it all day long but keep my family out of it especially when you’re making up lies and slander for the sake of a story line.  Mama Bear had to kick in on one instance and she did get a reaction out of me. I regret that it went there and that it happened that way. After the situation, I realized exactly what she was trying to do and understood the game she was playing. I hate that Quad is in a place where she can’t forgive and move on. Before the season even started we got together on numerous occasions to try and hash through it but she did not want to figure it out. I did apologize and it was not done maliciously. There was not one thing in her background check that was ever discussed with anyone because that wasn’t the reason I ran it. But she wanted it to be a part of the story line this season and that’s what you see.

RC:  One last thing, we hardly ever see you out and about at events here in Atlanta. Is it because you want to keep a low profile?

 LNC:  First of all, I am glad that I’m missed and really do appreciate that. For most of it, I am just really busy. I have been in and out of this country and over to Haiti twice within the last 45 days. I travel a lot with my 5 Linx business. When I come home, I really want to spend quality time with my husband and my children and being on red carpet is not always on the top of my list.

Check out Lisa Nicole Cloud and Married to Medicine  tonight at 9 p.m. EST on Bravo!

Photo Credit: LisaNicoleCloud.com
