18th Annual Brave New Voices International coming to Atlanta 7/15-18

Posted by | Ray Cornelius 

The 18th Annual Brave New Voices International Youth Poetry Slam Festival is headed to the Cultural Mecca of the South, July 15-18, 2015. Over six hundred young poets and spoken word artists, aged 13-19, will convene in Atlanta, representing 60 cities and organizations from around the world. Earlier featured as a hit HBO series, Brave New Voices (BNV) will spotlight creative and impassioned teenagers hitting the stage for electrifying performances of spoken word full of power and purpose.

The pulse of Brave New Voices is an Olympic-style poetry slam competition showcasing the creative genius of young artists, poets, educators and emerging world changers from around the globe. From the quarter-finals to the grand slam, this artistic expression of free speech is filled with resounding voices that will ignite a fire in the hearts and minds of people and foster community dialogue for social justice and community solidarity.

In addition to the slam competition, BNV participants will have the opportunity to attend world-class workshops led by renowned poets and writers, complete various youth development programs, and develop skills to help them become America’s leaders of tomorrow. During the four-day festival, 70 events will take place on the campus of Emory University as well as at various community-based theaters and concert halls and culminate at the Woodruff Arts Center, Symphony Hall in Atlanta.

Click here for more information and the full schedule!