SNEAK PEEK of Steve Harvey’s UP Special: ‘Act Like a Success, Think Like a Success’

Posted by | Ray Cornelius

TV personality, comedian, radio show host and author Steve Harvey comes to primetime on UP in an exclusive one-man show, A Special Night with Steve Harvey: Act Like a Success, Think Like a Success. Taped before a live audience at Chicago’s Harris Theater for Music and Dance in Millennium Park, the UP Original Special brings to life inspirational and practical themes about how to succeed in life and the keys to fulfilling one’s mission as presented in Harvey’s #1New York Times bestselling book, Act Like A Success, Think Like A Success.  The one-hour UP Original Special will premiere on TONIGHT—Wednesday, October 29 at 9 p.m. EST.


Emotional, impactful, enlightening and often times hilarious, in the UP Special, Harvey brings to life his tenets for success as described in Act Like a Success, Think Like a Success,  Discovering Your Gift and the Way to Life’s Riches book. Now an accomplished entrepreneur and esteemed philanthropist, Harvey shares his personal story with the audience – including how he struggled to gain success from, at one point, being homeless and living out of his car – and introduces five of his tenets to success.

“Steve Harvey is an extraordinary talent whose style captures and mesmerizes the minds of people, particularly everyday people,” said Brad Siegel, vice chairman, UP. His new #1 New York Times bestselling book, Act Like a Success, Think Like a Success,  is a wonderfully uplifting, inspirational and practical guide to becoming the best that you can be in all facets of life. This special provides a highly entertaining and enlightening roadmap to help every individual fulfill their dreams and completely aligns with UP’s mission of uplifting our viewers.”

Harvey said, “This is the best special I’ve ever done, it will be my best contribution to the very people who have supported me over the years… I want to help change people’s direction in life to a higher state of being… I want people to experience the joy of success and the process!”

Check out a preview below:


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