Shenanigans! Target refuses to sell Beyoncé’s new album…

Posted by | Cyrena Rose

Really Target?

In retail giant Target is refusing to sell Beyoncé‘s self-titled ‘physical’ album!

According to Billboard, Target is ‘shading’ the singer for exclusively releasing her album on iTunes last Friday.  While Beyoncé’s new fast-selling self-titled album is sure to be on many Christmas wish lists read below why this major retailer is opting not sell her physical album:

“At Target we focus on offering our guests a wide assortment of physical CDs, and when a new album is available digitally before it is available physically, it impacts demand and sales projections,” [per Target spokesperson Erica Julkowski]

She continues, “While there are many aspects that contribute to our approach and we have appreciated partnering with Beyoncé in the past, we are primarily focused on offering CDs that will be available in a physical format at the same time as all other formats. At this time, Target will not be carrying Beyoncé’s new self-titled album ‘Beyoncé.’”

Beyoncé’s fans have been throwing the shade back at the retailer on social media since the news was confirmed, but Wal-Mart has made it clear they will happily take the BeyHive’s money and it should be in their stores by the end of the week. Wal-Mart’s spokesperson Sarah McKinney tells Billboard:

“Wal-Mart is happy to be able to carry her album and support all physical music.”

(As per Walmart’s long-standing policy, they will only carry the non-explicit version of Beyoncé.)



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