History Channel wants to remake ROOTS…Why?

Posted by | Ray Cornelius

So I am surfing the web looking for stories when I came cross this one from Deadline, “History to Remake Iconic ‘Roots’ Miniseries.”  Apparently, the cable network has acquired the rights to the 70’s epic series that starred every famous black person on the planet. Ok, maybe not on the planet but pretty much every famous Black person in Hollywood.  At any rate, they’re seriously planning to remake it into a new 12-hour mini-series and have enlisted the help of the original executive producer’s son to…executive produce.

Reportedly, the newly revised Roots  will draw inspiration from the original Alex Haley book, “Roots: The Saga of an American Family” and the original series. If producers have their way, they will present the remixed version to a new audience.

“History in general is in the zeitgeist, which is great for us being a network whose name is History,” says History EVP and GM Dirk Hoogstra.

Roots  aired on ABC in January 1977, and went on to win 9 out of 36 Emmy nominations. The series also spawned a few spin-offs including Roots: The Next Generations  and Roots: The Gift.  No word on whether it will include an all-star cast.

RC will keep you posted on this one as it continues to develop.

***side note***It appears that the History channels is trying to ride this wave of slavery films that seem to be all the rage this season at box offices. However, I question whether or not a remake of Roots  is really what’s needed considering critics have already called 12 Years a Slave  “one of the best films ever made.”  Are there no other stories that speak to the black experience? Do we really need another film about the oppression and dehumanization of black people?  Seriously, History channel  producers need a swift kick in their creative asses and find out what audiences; particularly Black audiences really want to see, because Roots  ain’t one of them.


Photo Credit: pbs.org
