Former video vixen Melyssa Ford to star in Bravo TV’s ‘Blood, Sweat and Heels’

Posted by | Ray Cornelius 

Another day, another reality show!

Andi Cohen is up to his Bravo TV shenanigans with yet another all black female-based reality show titled, Blood, Sweat and Heels.

According to the show’s website, the series is based on  a group of “up-and-coming movers and shakers in New York’s elite circles of real estate, fashion, and media.”

Sounds a lot like  RHOA  meets The New Atlanta  by way of Brooklyn.


Anywho…the cast includes former “video vixen” turned realtor Melyssa Ford, real estate partner Brie Bythwood, modeling agency owner Mica Hughes, affordable-style expert Daisy Lewellyn, A Belle in Brooklyn blogger and author Demetria Lucas, and style and pop culture journalist Geneva S. Thomas. The series premieres Sunday, January 5 at 9 p.m.

Click here to see a preview!

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