Did Amber Rose and Wiz Khalifa secretly tie the knot?

Posted by | Cyrena Rose

Are the wedding rumors true?

In an interview with TMZ Tuesday, Amber Rose may have revealed her new marital status when she said, “My husband loves Ninja Turtles” after paparazzi gave her a Ninja Turtles ice cream bar.   As TMZ pointed out, Khalifa does, in fact, have a Ninja Turtles tattoo on his leg.

In November 2012, Wiz Khalifa said that he and Rose intended to legally marry in a few weeks, then hold a traditional wedding after their baby is born.

The couple met through Twitter in 2010 and have been engaged since March 2012.  Rose revealed her pregnancy in September 2012.

KUDOS Amber & Wiz on your nuptials!




