GQ’s ‘Emancipators of the Year’ are the men of ‘Django Unchained’…

Posted by | Cyrena Rose

The men of Django Unchained, Samuel L. Jackson, director Quentin Tarantino and Academy-Award winners Jamie Foxx & Christoph Waltz made the GQ 2012 list as the ‘Emancipators of the Year.

According to Jamie Foxx—and despite what you may have heard so far—Quentin Tarantino’s latest genre mash-up, the spaghetti-Western- slash-blaxploitation-saga Django Unchained, is a love story, not a revenge fantasy.  Foxx, who plays a freed slave on a violent odyssey through the antebellum South to find his unemancipated wife (played by Kerry Washington), lowers his voice to a guttural whisper to imitate Tarantino’s constant  reminders of his motivation…

“You want your woman!” His partner in the journey is Inglourious Basterds Oscar winner Christoph Waltz—the duo head up a loaded cast that  also includes Samuel L. Jackson, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Don Johnson as vintage QT villains—and  just as he did in Basterds, Waltz  brings to the movie a kind of silky Continental braininess.  But he may have missed the memo on the love-story bit.  “Quentin’s movies are grand cinematic opera,” says Waltz.  “Slavery in this case would be the great dilemma, and the great dilemma of the hero is: To avenge or not to avenge?” This is a Tarantino flick, so take a wild guess.

Django Unchained hits theater on December 25; the red carpet premiere begins on December 11, 2012 in New York.

  • On Jackson:  blazer by John Varvatos,  shirt by Dolce & Gabbana, tie by Topman
  • On Foxx:  vest by Vivienne Westwood,  shirt by Gucci  
  • On  Waltz:  suit and vest by Prada, bow tie by Ben Sherman
