Jada Pinkett Smith Takes a Stand Against Human Trafficking

Posted by | Tamara Ren’ee

Jada Pinkett Smith is speaking out against the growing epidemic of human trafficking.  Pinkett Smith’s daughter Willow was so bothered by the Kony 2012 video that she prompted her mother’s involvement.

“She did her own research and realized that there were young girls her age in this country being trafficked for sex,” Pinkett Smith remembers.  “She was like, ‘Mommy — you don’t know what’s happening!’  I was like, ‘Hold up, pause right there!’  And, she was like, ‘I’ve got to give my voice to this. These young girls out there need me.”

Pinkett Smith and husband Will Smith visited the State Department earlier this week for the release of Hillary Clinton’s 2012 Trafficking In Person’s Report.  This report outlines our nation’s trafficking efforts.  Pinkett Smith admits,  “I was actually really quite ashamed that I didn’t know about this particular situation in our country, because when you think about human trafficking, you think about it ‘over there.’ Wherever ‘there’ is…”

The guilt felt by Pinkett Smith inspired her to record a song, “Nada Se Compara” for the Dontsellbodies.org website, with her band Wicked Evolution.  Salma Hayek stars in the video for the song.

It’s amazing how open dialogue with a child can inspire and cause action!

