Is RED CARPET bullying on the rise? (videos)

Written by | Cyrena Rose

In recent decades the red carpet has been rolled out for celebrities and has become the favorite/most important part of events.  The event may take place inside at award shows, movie premieres, fashion galas and more; the publicity and excitement takes place outside on the infamous red carpet!

Journalist, reporters, bloggers and the like discuss fashion and interview celebs all while photographers take numerous pictures with publicity backdrops which contain brand logos or emblems for photography purposes.  There is nothing like a ‘live on the red carpet’ moment of our favorite (and sometimes not) celebrity.  However, it seems as if red carpet moments have taken a turn for the worse.  Is red carpet bullying on the rise?  Do fans and the media think it’s okay to attack or harass celebrities on the red carpet?

Will Smith smacks a reporter for trying to kissing him at the Moscow premiere of Men in Black 3!  Kim Kardashian was flour bombed at the launch for her fragrance!  Five years ago Tom Cruise gets squirted with water through a fake microphone at his premier of War of The Worlds!

Take a look at the visuals below and give us your opinion: height=350

height=350height=350Are fans becoming ‘overly’ aggressive?  Are reporters crossing the line?  What are your thoughts?