CodeBlack partners with Lionsgate

Posted by | Cyrena Rose

CodeBlack Enterprises was created to facilitate positive representations of African-Americans in film.  It is the first independent, vertically-integrated African-American-owned film studio actively engaged in the business of  feature film production, film distribution, worldwide DVD and digitial assets distribution, urban marketing consulting and a production of  programs for television broadcast and syndication.

Founded by CEO Jeff Clanagan, who is an innovator and leading force in urban media, CodeBlack has been credited with reaching the urban market with Shaquille O’neal’s All Star Comedy Jam, Shadowboxer, Steve Harvey’s Don’t Trip…He Aint Through with Me Yet, Bloodline, Kevin Hart’s Laugh At My Pain and Bishop T.D. Jakes Woman Thou Art Loosed:  On the Seventh Day.

Lionsgate is partnering with Jeff Clanagan to extend its reach in digital urban market content.  Why not?  Shadow and Act reports after the success of  Laugh at My Pain and Woman Thou Art Loosed:  On the Seventh Day Hollywood studios began courting Clanagan.  Hollywood studios have been watching with interest the success of the marketing campaigns for both films.

“Lionsgate has always been a home for entrepreneurs, and we’re delighted to form a partnership with Jeff Clanagan, one of the true visionaries in urban media today,” said Lionsgate co-COO and Motion Picture Group president Steve Beeks.

It will be interesting to see how this partnership develops.  Tell us your thoughts!

To read the press release, click here.
