Michael K. Williams to play Ol’ Dirty Bastard in biopic

Posted by | Cyrena Rose

The life of Wu-Tang Clan member, Ol’ Dirty Bastard (born Russell Jones) will be played out in a biopic starring Michael K. Williams.  Williams is best known for playing President Obama’s favorite character in The Wire, Omar Little.  He currently stars as Chalky White on HBO’s Boardwalk Empire.

Deadline announced Parts & Labor and Ocean Size Pictures are teaming up to bring ODB’s story to the big screen with the drama Dirty White Boy. 

Jarred Weisfed and Ol’ Dirty Bastard

Dirty White Boy was written by Brent Hoff and highlights particular moments of ODB’s life.  It follows his rise and fall through the eyes of his friend Jarred Weisfed, the VH1-intern-turned-manager who served as witness to OBD’s highs and lows up until his death in 2004.

This film will serve as the directorial debut of cinematographer Joaquin Baca-Asay.