Tyra Banks is now a Harvard Grad!

Essence.com is reporting that ANTM creator, Tyra Banks, has officially completed her studies at Harvard’s Business School.

Banks entered the school’s program a little over a year ago but soon realized that juggling her media empire and being a student was no easy task. In fact, the former Victoria Secrets model told Business Week, she had to limit the amount of business her company, Bankable Productions, could manage.  

“After my first term, I came back and killed a whole bunch of businesses we were going into. We have to say no more often than we say yes, no matter how much money people put on the goddamned table. Harvard is all about innovation and being first to market. It’s something I’m constantly bringing back to my team.”

Banks has become quite the business woman since retiring from the catwalk in May 2005. She has hosted her own award-winning talk show, written a NYT Best-Selling novel and even released a few records.

 In 2011, Banks launched her own fashion and beauty website, typeF.com

Congratulations Ty Baby!